Annika Lisia is an artist & singer-songwriter based in Germany. Autobiographical lyrics combined with Soul, R&B and Pop sound invite you to her most authentic and personal journey. The singer-songwriter creates, writes, composes and co-produces her songs by herself. Colourful - from moody, calm melodies to uptempo beats, integrating field recordings from her daily life.
The newcomer landed on German TV and European wide radios and playlists i.e. Absolut Radio, Radio Eins, Bayern 3, Bayern 2, Puls Radio, Radio Eins, Byte FM, Radio Essen, Big FM and Radio Gong.
Based in Germany she played live at i.a. local Festivals like Feierwerk Festival, Munich Mash, Stustaculum, Zamamand, Sammersee Festival, Free & Easy Festival with other gigs in Stuttgart, Augsburg, Vienna, London and Los Angeles.
Now Annika Lisia starts a new exciting chapter and has some releases in store for her upcoming debut album (release 2023).
Amazon Suchergebnisse für: "Annika Lange"