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Southern Rock Bands

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Acoustic Rock - Alternative Rock - Art Rock - Avantgarde Rock - Blues Rock - Classic Rock - Crossover
Dark Rock - Deutschrock - Electronic Rock - Emo Rock - Folk Rock - Gitarren Rock - Gothic Rock
Hard Rock - Industrial Rock - Latin Rock - Melodic Rock - Noise Rock - Oldschool Rock - Progressive Rock
Psychedelic Rock - Retro-Rock - Rock & Roll - Rockabilly - Southern Rock - Surf Rock

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Name sort Genre PLZ sort Ort sort Hits/Tag sort Konzert
T.H. & The Boneshakerz  Southern Rock, Blues Rock, Retro-Rock  Deutschland58 Hohenlimburg  2.4
Sugar`n`Gin  C: Southern Rock, Classic Rock, Oldschool Rock, New Country  Deutschland80805 München  1.1
Rocks N` Pebbles  C: Southern Rock, Country/Western (am.), Blues Rock, American - British Rock & Blues  Deutschland81829 München  0.8
SouthernRoxx  C: Southern Rock, Hard Rock, Classic Rock  Deutschland67 Ludwigshafen  0.6
Gator Alley  C: Southern Rock, Country Rock  Deutschland81241 München  1.7
Deathbarrel  Stoner (Desert Rock), Southern Rock  Norwegen Stavanger  0.4
ZZ Top  Hard Rock, Southern Rock  USA Houston  0.5
Eric A.M.  Acoustic Rock, Southern Rock, Singer / Songwriter  Deutschland35390 Giessen  0.5
Kings of Leon  Southern Rock, Alternative Rock  USA Tennessee  0.4
Shawe noiZ  Acoustic Rock, Southern Rock, Alternative Rock, Southern Hardrock  Deutschland61279 Grävenwiesbach  0.7
Ottilia  C: Country/Western (am.), Southern Rock, Singer / Songwriter, Schlager, Oldies, eigene und alles was Spaß macht  Deutschland40589 Düsseldorf  0.6
crossover  C: Acoustic Rock, Southern Rock, Country/Western (am.), Toto, Bryan Adams, BonJovi, Common Linnets, Lady Antebellum etc.  Deutschland89250 Senden  0.5
RANGERS  Acoustic Rock, Southern Rock, Country/Western (am.), West Coast, Americana  Deutschland26384 Wilhelmshaven  0.5
Crossing Louisiana  Southern Rock  Deutschland76887 Bad Bergzabern  0.4
Pesticide  Classic Rock, Southern Rock  Schweiz3124 Belpberg  0.2
VEX  Hardcore Punk, Metalcore, Southern Rock, Groovecore  Deutschland77790 Hausach  0.2
Cheap Chiquita  Blues Rock, Southern Rock, Country/Western (am.)  Deutschland53117 Bonn  0.3
Ol´ Rebel  C: Southern Rock  Deutschland92289 Ursensollen  0.2
Unserious  C: Rock, Southern Rock, Hard Rock  Österreich4020 Linz  0.2
The Time Traders  C: Southern Rock  Deutschland85445 Oberding  0.2
Varicose Vein  C: Southern Rock, Classic Rock  Deutschland49324 Melle  0.2
Doom Division  Stoner Metal, Doom Metal, Southern Rock, Doomcore  Deutschland70 Stuttgart  0.2
Texas Music Massacre  Rock & Roll, Blues Rock, Southern Rock, wenige Coversongs  Deutschland04651 bad lausick  0.2
Buffalo Wings  C: Southern Rock  Deutschland38723 Seesen  0.3
Pro-Bier  Southern Rock, Stoner (Desert Rock), Deutschrock, Punkrock  Deutschland73730 Esslingen  0.3
The Helldozers  Metal, Southern Rock, Rock & Roll, Groove Metal  Deutschland50670 Köln  0.3
Stewart´s  C: Southern Rock, Westcoast  Deutschland13585 Berlin  0.3
Government Of The Dudes  Rock, Southern Rock, Blues Rock, Americana (Roots Rock)  Deutschland28201 Bremen  0.2
Lynyrd`s Frynds  C: Rock, Southern Rock, Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute  Deutschland93426 Roding  0.2
Ronnie-Gaines-Band  Southern Rock  Deutschland38100 Braunschweig  0.1
Cruizzen  Hard Rock, Gitarren Rock, Southern Rock  Deutschland92242 Hirschau  0.3
The Captain Legendary Band  Southern Rock, Country Rock  USA Baton Rouge,LA  0.2
Kevin Meisel & The Ragged Glories  Folk Rock, Southern Rock  USA Detroit  0.2
Jigsaw Pieces  Rock, Southern Rock  Deutschland53577 Neustadt/Wied  0.2
Skinny Molly  Southern Rock  USA Nashville, TN  0.2
Trez Hombrez  C: Blues Rock, Gitarren Rock, Southern Rock, ZZ Top Tribute  Deutschland20097 Hamburg  0.3
Indigo Rocks  C: Blues Rock, Blues, Southern Rock  Deutschland21220 Hamburg  1.3
Sixpack Corner  C: Country/Western (am.), Classic Rock, Southern Rock  Deutschland37431 Bad Lauterberg im Harz  0.3
Baker`s Breeze  C: Southern Rock, Blues Rock, Classic Rock  Deutschland42799 Leichlingen / Düsseldorf  0.2
Bluezz Bastardzz  C: Blues Rock, Classic Rock, Southern Rock  Deutschland21220 Seevetal  2.7
Strittmatters  Southern Rock  Deutschland17235 Neustrelitz  0.1
The Sheepdogs  Classic Rock, Southern Rock  Kanada Saskatoon  0.1
Mr.Tex/as  Southern Rock, Country-Rock  Deutschland03185 Peitz  0.2
The Southern Cross Band  Southern Rock  USA New York  0.1
Throne  Stoner Metal, Southern Rock, Sludge Metal  Italien43036 Fidenza  0.1
Stacie Collins  Southern Rock, Country/Western (am.)  USA Nashville,Tennessee   0.2
MIDLIFE special  C: Classic Rock, Southern Rock, Country/Western (am.), Country Rock  Österreich5280 Braunau am Inn  0.2
Ha Ha Tonka  Southern Rock, Roots Rock  USA Missouri  0.1
The Sailer Bros Band  Rock, Southern Rock, Classic Rock, Accoustic, Bluegrass, Biker  Deutschland72072 Tübingen  0.2
SolidTube  Southern Rock, Blues, Country/Western (am.), Crossmix  Österreich3264 Gresten  0.1
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