amazon tracker Evestus |
Seit 08.10.2009
232 Besucher seit 06.03.2021
Rechte: (noch niemand)

After the huge success of "wastelands", Evestus realized the power he had over music and decided to push the limits a lot further. Currently recording his third release, an LP called "This is Dramacore" he`s determined to change what alternative music has become these days. "This album will define a new genre/movement!"

The new material will be more towards industrial metal, the signature beats and melodies of Evestus will be complimented with fierce vocals, heavy guitars and massive orchestral backgrounds. Every detail of the music will be taken to the highest level.

Sacrifice single and video released May 2008 - #12 on MTV Baltics Top 20 (6 weeks in the chart)

Enemy promo single and video released November 2008 - #4 on MTV Baltics Top 20

For more recent info and material visit Evestus on MySpace
Overview :

Composing, Programming, Lyrics, Vocals etc. - Evestus

Live Team -
Keyboards - Georg "DzDz" Gurjev
Guitars - Jan Talts
Drums and Percussions - Tanya M61 Vulcan
Cellos - C-Jam Cello Quartet

Live guests -
Keyboards - Henrik Kotkas
Guitars - Ricardo Guerilha
Guitars - Ago "Sethh" Teppand
Percussions - Annika Raud
Vocals - John the Baptist

Technical Team -
Live/Studio Sound Engineer - Romet Pott
Live visuals - Yo Frankie
Stage coordinator/Visual editor - Grete "Stitch" Laus

 Hilfe-Popup Booking: Ott Evestus

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