amazon tracker Bloodgood |
Seit 26.01.2022 aktualisiert 26.01.2022
447 Besucher seit 26.01.2022
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Veterans of both the heavy metal and Christian rock scenes, BLOODGOOD`s unique blend of music and message has amassed both a fan base that appreciates their music, as well as a body that loves God. In today`s sometimes frantic and highly charged world where musicians, celebrities and public figures have new mediums and broad reach with the ability to influence thousands, if not millions, it is interesting for us as a band to see how that influence is used, or in some cases abused. BLOODGOOD has always led with our own unique style of hard charging heavy metal rock as our way of connecting with our fans. But very quickly, the power and impact of the message comes through. BLOODGOOD has stayed true to not using their influence to spread their own agenda, but instead, God`s agenda.

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